The Packet Sniffers - This is a re-occurring TV/internet show about computers and technology. Topics include but are not limited to: Retro computing with the Commodore, monitor repair, Hamvention coverage, rc cars, high end computing, NES, ect. All episodes can be downloaded from the Packet Sniffers website.

The Phantom Cruisers videos - These consist of two videos that I filmed and produced for them, both shot at their "Lost in the 50's Car Show and Sock Hop" in May of 2004. Only the car show is listed here, the other video isn't very interesting and takes up too much space.

Car Show - VP62 format - 9MB (Play with Winamp5 or MPlayer)

SKY - A short snowboarding video shot at Paoli Peaks in mid-November 2005. It was amazingly warm for November, 75 degrees. They brought out a pile of snow and let some kids go to town on it during their open-house sale. I shot and edited this in a single afternoon. The guys from STR where both riding and shooting there as well.
SKY - VP62 format (.nsv) - 14MB (Play with Winamp5 or MPlayer)

KYCHN - A parody of the 'other' tech show, SYSTM. This is a new series we are currently working on. You can download it here.


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