Adobe Encore 1.5 bugs and errata

This is a short rundown of the un-addressed bugs that have bitten me in the latest edition of Encore (All available patches applied as of 4-2005).

Transcoding crashes

When transcoding your media files Encore sometimes crashes. I found that the audio portion of the transcoder will crash when it tries to transcode a file that has a filename longer than about 10 characters. The video transcoder doesn't have this problem. It may have more components involved that cause the crash, but as long as your media filenames are less than 10 characters it should appease Encore. To be safe I don't use spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters too. If your media files have both video and audio inside them you have to rename these files as well. However if you have separate files for video and audio, only the audio files are afflicted by this bug.

Menu backgrounds play video but not sound

When playing your DVD random menu backgrounds do not playback audio like they are supposed to. The video portion may play fine, but audio does not. I have found that if you use separate media files for the background components (separate video and audio files) then the audio file does not get played during the loop. Encore lets you specify separate files, however the only way to get both video and audio to play together you must have a single file for the source of both (Regular AVI file with both video and audio contained within it). This may require a little extra work outside of Encore to setup, but it resolves this problem. Also remember, timelines are not currently allowed for menu backgrounds, this may be part of the problem...



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